In addition to drinking much wine, a fair amount of beer, some whiskey. and eating great food, all in either Cranston or Providence, we managed to talk politics (Barry and I share similar views on the state of our great nation), music, pottery (Barry used to run a very successful pottery studio) and art.
We also talked about the future of the great amps Barry designed and built: Hi-Mu amps.
At this point in his life, Barry and his wife are seriously looking at relocating, far from the lovely home they've restored overlooking Narragansett Bay in Cranston ...

...and running an amp company isn't in the stars.
Similarly, after many years in journalism, I've decided there's no future in telling the news, it's all turned to lies and propaganda.
So we cut a deal and I purchased all the rights, designs, jigs, parts, and good will of the Hi-Mu Amplifier company. I also bought two of Barry's personal one-of-a-kind amps, both prototypes. The first is a single-ended 12 watt, 6L6-based combo amp with reverb. The second is a 30 watt push-pull monster head, with a 15 inch Golden Voice Jensen cabinet.
I also acquired parts enough to build 10 to 20 more Hi-Mu amps (7 & 12 watt versions) and the specs and plans to put Hi-Mu back in the amp building business.
Right now I'm waiting anxiously for a truck to arrive at my door with all these new goodies inside.
(It was supposed to arrive last Wednesday but ...

... Door-to-Door doesn't seem to entirely reliable).
Keep watch and I'll post the details as they occur.